
Our skilled recruiters use proven methodologies and advanced testing tools to find the best candidates for permanent positions - regardless of industry.

Asseline Manpower

We help you with recruitment to permanent positions

Success is often about finding the right person for the right position. We use ISO-certified methods to find the best qualified candidates to increase the possibility for you to succeed in your recruitment. Manpower has the largest candidate base, a structured methodology with extensive interviews, DNV GL-certified test tools and a detailed control of references.

We make every effort to find the right person

We are Norway's largest staffing and recruitment company and therefore we have the best conditions to find the right candidates.

A smooth and professional process

The process leading to the recommended candidate goes through several phases.

Job analysis
Together with the client, we familiarize ourselves with all relevant matters for the position. What kind of business is it about, what are the work tasks and what kind of tools should the candidate master? What personal qualities and profile are important? Are there other requirements?


The candidate search
We have the country's largest base with active job seekers, but also look at external bases. In addition, we use custom advertising and our own network.


The assessment
Applications are sorted and candidates are called for an initial interview with the aim of presenting a set of candidates for the client.


The selection
Based on the candidates we together with the client agree to proceed with, we do structured second-time interviews, reference interviews and ability and personality tests are conducted according to the client's wishes and needs. Finally, we are left with one or more candidates in order of priority.


The follow-up
Once the candidate has been selected and hired, we contribute with onboarding and other follow-up and have a summary meeting with the client.

Certified recruitment advisors

At Manpower, you get a dedicated advisor with good insight into the labor market both locally and nationally. We have the country's largest environment of DNV GL-certified recruiters who use ISO-certified methods.

The best recruitment tools

Everyone who works with recruitment in Manpower uses a proven and structured recruitment methodology. It involves extensive interviews and DNV GL certified testing tools. In addition, a detailed check of the candidate's references is carried out.



What can we help you with?

Let's talk about your needs and challenges. We have proven processes that ensure that you get the right person with the right skills when you need it.

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